Frontiers in AI and IoT Workshop

Frontiers in AI and IoT Workshop

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) and their convergence with Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming many fields of study. We welcome UF faculty to present their scholarship in a UF interdisciplinary faculty workshop to understand issues in organizations that provide AI services and industries that adopt AI/IoT technology.

The workshop will meet every second Thursday of the month at 2pm for an hour.

Workshop Co-organizers:
Swarup Bhunia (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering)
Kenny Cheng (Information Systems and Operations Management, Warrington College of Business)
D. Daniel Sokol (Levin College of Law)
My T. Thai (Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering)

AI Round table

Chief Economists’ Reflections on Digital Transformation

March 11, 2021

John List
Chief Economist, Lyft
Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
Carolyn Evans,
Chief Economist, Intel Corporation
Hal Varian,
Chief Economist, Google
Dean Emeritus, UC Berkeley

Past Events:

Yining Wang

Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Information Systems and Operations Management

“Robust Dynamic Assortment Optimization and Learning in the Presence of Outlier Customers”

October 22, 2020

Zoom link:

My T. Thai

UF Research Foundation Professor of Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering
Associate Director, Warren B. Nelms Institute for the Connected World at the University of FLorida

“AI: Making Black Box Models Explainable”

November 19, 2020

Zoom link: