Author: Lauren Gonzalez

R. James Toussaint, MD

Clinical Associate Professor and Division Chief Division: Foot and Ankle CONTACT Email: AreaS OF INTEREST Achilles tendon repair, Ankle arthroscopy, Ankle pain, Broken bone, Bunions, Charcot foot, Flat feet, Foot drop, Foot pain, Hammer toe, Heel pain, High arch, Neuromuscular… Read More

Yuheng Bu

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ECE CONTACT Email: RESEARCH INTERESTS Signals and systems, machine learning, information theory, and signal processing, with applications to fair/trustworthy machine learning, uncertainty quantification, and anomaly detection ABOUT HOMEPAGE PUBLICATIONS HONORS AND AWARDS: Yi-Min Wang and Pi-Yu Chung Research… Read More

Warren B. Nelms Institute Newsletter, January 2024

The newsletter will highlight your ongoing activities and accomplishments, not only on the research front but also on education and outreach. We hope to keep you up-to-date on the broad research activities within the Institute, as well as provide opportunities… Read More

AI-Powered Mathematics Education Project Funded by UF President’s Strategic Funding Initiative

A new collaborative research project will use AI to facilitate mathematics education in an interactive and unique way. “SALT-Math: Scalable AI-Augmented Learning by Teaching for Math Education” aims to revolutionize K-12 mathematics learning by implementing a learning-by-teaching framework that uses… Read More