Three Nelms Undergraduate Students Receive University Scholars Program Awards for IoT Research

Dr. Aaron Costin, Associate Professor in M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management

Three undergraduate students in the Warren B. Nelms Institute have received a 2024 University Scholars Program (USP) award to work on IoT-related research under the mentorship of Dr. Aaron Costin. The USP serves as a way to introduce undergraduate students to the world of academic research. University Scholars commit 8-10 hours per week on a research project under the guidance of UF faculty. Students from all disciplines are selected through a competitive process to participate in this program. ​

The projects focus on improving safety for construction workers and monitoring conditions on construction sites. Each student is utilizing the IoT-ACRES framework, which is the product of a collaborative NSF project led by Dr. Costin, Elements: Cyberinfrastructure Service for IoT-Based Construction Research and Applications. Nelms Institute faculty Dr. Janise McNair and Dr. Sanjeev Koppal are also Co-Principal Investigators on the project.

Aanya Bhandari is a USP Scholar in the College of Engineering:

“My project is called Designing a Microprocessor-based Heart Rate Monitor for Construction Workers. This project is focused on investigating the development of a heart rate monitor utilizing microprocessor technology, with the aim of revolutionizing cardiovascular health monitoring. By incorporating microprocessors into the device architecture, it seeks to transcend traditional limitations, offering real-time, precise monitoring capabilities for more efficient allocation of work, breaks, and resources to construction workers.”

Lauren Nunag is an AI Scholar in the College of Engineering:

“My AI Scholars project in the College of Engineering focuses on integrating artificial intelligence into a microprocessor-based heart rate monitor for construction workers. An Internet of Things system and advanced AI algorithms will analyze real-time data to predict health risks. Expected outcomes include improving safety standards and promoting proactive health management among construction workers.”

Srinidhi Pinni is a USP Scholar in the College of Design, Construction, and Planning:

“I am a freshman at UF double majoring in Microbiology and Data Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. My research topic is on infectious microorganisms found at a construction site. Since there are many microorganisms present in such an environment, I will only focus on 2-3 infectious microorganisms. My goal is to analyze these infectious organisms and conduct research to later make an infectious microorganism monitoring system for construction workers.”

IoT ACRES Framework: a central, interoperable framework hub that incorporates various heterogeneous sensors, technology, software, and AI to provide real-time construction site monitoring and feedback.