
New Faculty Member Highlight: Dr. Shreya Saxena

Shreya Saxena

Dr. Shreya Saxena is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University and will start as an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department on October 1st, 2020.

Srivalli Boddupalli

Srivalli Boddupalli is a second-year ECE Ph.D. student, and a key student member of the Warren B. Nelms Institute for the Connected World. Her Ph.D. supervisor is Professor Sandip Ray, also our Director of Industry Programs. Srivalli received her M.S.… Read More

Warren B. Nelms IoT Spring Newsletter, 2020

It is our great pleasure to introduce the Institute’s newsletters. The Institute remains at the forefront of IoT research, education and outreach activities with specific emphasis on developing groundbreaking IoT technologies and their exciting applications in solving global problems –… Read More

Sharon Lynn Chu receives NSF CAREER Award: Wearable Technologies for K-12

Sharon Lynn Chu, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering (CISE), has received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Her project will investigate the design of wearable technologies to connect learning across formal and informal contexts, especially for elementary and middle school students.

Tuba Yavuz Receives NSF CAREER Award: Secure and Reliable IoT through Automated Model Extraction and Analysis

Assistant Professor Tuba Yavuz has been awarded a 2020 NSF CAREER Award for her project, “Towards a Secure and Reliable Internet of Things through Automated Model Extraction and Analysis.” The project will additionally help broaden participation of women and other underrepresented groups in IoT security, formal methods, and software engineering research.