Warren B. Nelms Institute Newsletter, July 2024

The newsletter will highlight your ongoing activities and accomplishments, not only on the research front but also on education and outreach. We hope to keep you up-to-date on the broad research activities within the Institute, as well as provide opportunities for collaboration. We look forward to connecting with you.

Swarup Bhunia, Director & Semmoto Endowed Professor, ECE
My T. Thai, Associate Director & UF Research Foundation Professor, CISE​

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Nelms Institute Team Develops Wearable Smart Sensor for Orthopaedic Care

Dr. R. James Toussaint, division chief in foot and ankle surgery in the UF College of Medicine’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, and Dr. Swarup Bhunia, Director of the Warren B. Nelms Institute, have invented a new wearable Bluetooth device to revolutionize patient safety in orthopaedics, allowing doctors and patients to receive real-time alerts from an unobtrusive electronic sensor pasted on a limb or worn in a shoe. This smart sensor has the ability to monitor different parameters like pressure, temperature, moisture, and forces applied in different directions.


Nelms Institute Leads Veterans Hardware Security Training Program

In May, 11 U.S. veterans gathered at the University of Florida to learn how to hack into computer systems. “You cannot learn how to hack without actually hacking. They learned how to hack in way that is safe for them and safe for society,” said Sandip Ray, Ph.D., who led the group of carefully selected military veterans to study hardware security. Led by UF’s Warren B. Nelms Institute, the three-year project is called Pivots: VETS-HASTE: Veterans SkillBridge through Industry-Based Hardware Security Training and Education; it is funded by $1 million from the National Science Foundation and is led by Dr. Ray and Dr. Wanli Xing, an assistant professor in the College of Education.

Dr. Zhe Jiang Works Toward Developing an AI Surrogate of Large-Scale Coastal Circulations

Dr. Zhe Jiang, Associate Professor in the Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to fund the project, “Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Learning AI Surrogate of Large-Scale Spatiotemporal Simulations for Coastal Circulation.” This project aims to train a novel AI surrogate cyberinfrastructure to generate large-scale simulations of ocean current circulations along the coast. This surrogate can be applied to develop early warning systems that could save countless lives and prevent significant annual losses in developing countries that are most vulnerable to the impacts of flooding, storms, and climate change.


Autonomous Underwater Robot NemoSens Can Map Subsea Structures in Minutes

Mapping subsea structures and surveying seabeds is normally a time-consuming and complex process done manually. However, Dr. Md Jahidul Islam and his RoboPI lab have designed an autonomous underwater robot, NemoSens, to do the job efficiently. The team recently deployed NemoSens in the Gulf of Mexico, demonstrating the capabilities of the robot.


Nelms Institute Students Win First Place in HACK@DAC Competition

Three undergraduate students in the Warren B. Nelms Institute have received a 2024 University Scholars Program award to work on IoT-related research under the mentorship of Dr. Aaron Costin. The projects focus on improving safety for construction workers and monitoring conditions on construction sites. Each student is utilizing the IoT-ACRES framework, which is the product of a collaborative NSF project led by Dr. Costin, Elements: Cyberinfrastructure Service for IoT-Based Construction Research and Applications.


Mark Your Calendar for the 2024 Warren B. Nelms Annual IoT Conference!

The Warren B. Nelms Annual IoT Conference will return this Fall on December 5 and 6 at the University of Florida campus. The conference will have a variety of keynote speakers, industry panels, student poster and demo sessions, and the co-located Women in IoT Workshop.

Research portfolio

Warren B. Nelms Institute research addresses major world challenges relating to public health, energy, education, transportation, and more. Together with our esteemed group of multi-disciplinary faculty and students, we are developing broad Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and their applications to create more secure, sustainable, and connected communities. With billions of IoT-connected devices al-ready in the world today—and billions more in the coming years—the institute remains at the forefront of this burgeoning field while creating a critical mass of expertise at the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT. We invite you to browse our current and ongoing Warren B. Nelms Institute research projects.

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