Researchers Aim to Address Range Anxiety of Battery Electric Vehicles with Peer-to-Peer Charging En Route

Battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) are becoming more and more common on the roads. With rising concerns over fossil fuel depletion and the impact of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles on the climate, electric mobility is widely considered as the future of sustainable transportation. However, drawbacks over several important battery-related issues, such as limited range, long charging time, and lack of charging stations, have made some consumers wary of purchasing a BEV.

To address this issue, University of Florida researchers Prabuddha Chakraborty, Robert Parker, Jonathan Cruz, Lili Du, Shuo Wang, and Swarup Bhunia, and University of Kansas researcher Tamzidul Hoque, have proposed a peer-to-peer charging system for BEVs to share charge among each other while driving down the road. A cloud-based system would match two BEVs in the same vicinity, likely along major interstates. The two matched cars could travel close together, sharing charge en route with no need to stop for hours at a charging station. The cars would drive at the same locked speed while charging cables would link the vehicles automatically.

See the full publication on Scientific Reports.

This study was featured on Tech Xplore on June 17, 2022.

This study was featured on ECE Florida on May 1, 2020.